Work with Me

For Those seeking a product review written by me

Before using this contact form to request my services or inquiring about product reviews, please read the following:

If you have a product you would like me to review, shoot me an email with a link to your website and  a brief introduction to your company. I like to work with companies that have morals and are overall good people who are trying to do good in the world. So please do not request to send me items that have questionable materials or things of that nature. Body safe materials are a must. While I am open to reviewing certain porous materials, please note that I will disclose what materials the product is made of to my readers. If you do not have material information about the item clearly listed on your site, I will not review it.

If you have a desired deadline on when you want a review published, you will need to specify that before sending me the product. I am a full-time student, so school always comes first.  Keep in mind if you send me multiple products to review, they will not all be reviewed at once, but reviews will roll out as I finish reviewing each item. However, some items can be reviewed in one blog post if I find it appropriate. Also note that around the times when I have a heavy school load or work to do, posts may slow down. I’m only human after all.

Sending me a product to review for free or otherwise does NOT guarantee a positive review. If it is in my personal opinion that your product is the best invention since sliced bread, then I will say so. If not, I will say so, as well as tell you and my readers why in my review. If you believe that the reason why I don’t like your product is due to me receiving a defective item that is not to my personal knowledge (meaning I did not identify my personal issues with your product as defective), please email me and say so. Nasty comments or harassing emails are not called for. We are all ADULTS here. Lets act like it.

If an item you sent me is defective, does not turn on, or I believe it has been tampered with in any way, You as the manufacturer or Distributor will be contacted. If there is no response or you refuse to replace the item, I will not review it. If you want the item returned to you, you will be responsible for all shipping costs associated with the return of the item.  I always examine anything sent to me right out of the box and report back about any defects or issues within a week. Items that are made with a “silicone mixture” like Silica-gel is NOT pure silicone and will be specified as such in my review if a product containing such materials are sent to me. It is very important that I inform my readers about what I review to my best ability.

If a product arrives tampered with or has any signs of it being used, I will NOT review it nor will I ask for a replacement. I can no longer trust you or your company if you send me a used or tampered product. Please state in advance before sending an item that you test your products before sending them to me. I prefer you not do that if you don’t have to as finger prints on sex toys are #Creepy

If you want a product reviewed on your company website, specify that in your email.

If you agree to send me one item, but end up sending me ten other things to review, you risk me either not reviewing them, or the items being added to what I call a backlog list (items that have no specific priority in being reviewed). And no, you are not allowed to inquire on when those particular items will be reviewed. I will try my best to get through them.

I will not refund or send back an item after it has been reviewed due to a negative review or otherwise. One I receive the item it is mine and I reserve the right to keep it. If you send a duplicate item in error, you are solely responsible for returning the item if you want it back.

If you are interested in me hosting a giveaway, you are responsible for shipping the product to the winner. Do not ship the giveaway product to me.

Re-posting Content Originally Published on The Aqua Kink

If I have written a review for you or your company, and it was originally published on my blog, you must to ask for my permission to re-post it. No if, ands, or butts. Even if I was compensated for the post, you NEED TO ASK MY PERMISSION. Failing to do so may hinder our working relationship and I will not be willing to compromise. The content I write on my blog belongs to me and me alone. You CANNOT just copy and paste my work to your website and not tell me. That’s just shady. If I give permission to use my work, you are not allowed to change my words or language in any way.

I have advertising space available (email me for quotes). At this time, I am not interested in joining affiliate programs. If you want to get a banner up on my site, you must compensate me for it and not in the form of sex toys, but actual monies. Dildos do don’t pay the bills. If however, an item is given for compensation per our agreement, I am not obligated to review it, as it is considered a form of payment. If I do choose to review the item, it will be my choice to do so.

If you would like me to be a guess writer on your blog or website, I would be more than happy to do so.

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