Did you know Steak and Blowjob Day is on March 14? Ah yes. The day that gives you an excuse to treat your partner (and yourself) to a beautiful steak dinner or brunch and some oral pleasure. With so many steak dishes in the world, one might wonder what steak dish would go great with […]
- Dating
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Online Dating Tips I Live By: Part 2

I’ve been online dating on/off for a minute, and I without a doubt, I can say that I have learned so many things about myself and those that I have interacted with in doing so. If you’re new to online dating, I can tell you that it gets easier to see through the bullshit, but […]
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Things You Can Afford To Leave In 2019 For A Better 2020

If you are reading this right now, then congratulations. You’ve made it 365 days. A whole year. Despite whatever you have been through, whether you accomplished a lot last year or nothing at all, causing it to see another year is a big deal. A new year in a way is kind of like a […]
5 Sexy Rules I Live by When It Comes to Shopping for Last Minute Christmas Gifts

Let’s start off with the fact that while I do celebrate Christmas, I don’t buy gifts for the sole purpose of giving them to my loved ones on Christmas day. I personally believe that every day can be Christmas (I know that sounds cliché, but that’s honestly what I think) and I’m more about the […]
Do You Really Need Closure After the End of a Relationship?

The end of a relationship can bring about raw emotions, feelings of sadness, resentment, anger, and regret. Depending on how it all ended, it can leave many overthinking about the “What if’s” and shoulda, woulda, coulda’s, thinking that if they went about doing things differently, they could have changed the course that the relationship was […]
5 Things You Can Do on Your Period That You Probably Didn’t think you could

For some including myself, that time of the month can be more than just a small nuisance. It can be a huge inconvenience, especially when you have something important to do where you would prefer that Aunt Flo not accompany you to your destination. While the shame and stigma towards menstruation are diminishing quickly with […]
10 Things You’ll Probably Will Do After a Break-Up

Ah, summertime sadness. This reminds me of a Lana Del Rey Song There is nothing fun about break-ups. They suck and aside from the monetary investment because some people consider that, I personally think the investment of feelings is far more critical. Sometimes the people who come into our lives are only meant to stick […]
- Toy Reviews
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FemmeFunn Ultra Wand Review

FemmeFunn is one of those companies that has rarely ever missed the mark with me. They make sex toys with powerful motors, high-quality materials (silicone and ABS plastic), and they always have an aqua-colored or blue option that tickles my fancy. But that’s not important. [Clears throat and puts on serious face] What’s important is […]
Online Dating Tips I live By: Part 1

Dating tips I personally use when navigating dating apps, how to make your profile look its best, along with some saftey tips everyone should use.
Doc Johnson GoodHead To-Go Deep Throat Spray Review

Sucking dick is one of those things that I have to be in the mood for. It’s not just something I randomly get into at the drop of a dime. Unless I find myself indiscriminately horny, in a good mood, and my partner is nearby. When I make sex goals for myself, they are usually […]